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Executive certificate - Digital and luxury communication

Sup de Luxe, a specialist in training for the luxury sector, recognised by brands and companies for over 30 years, offers certified training courses in the context of executive education.

  • Full-time, In-person
  • 4550€
  • October 2024
  • 6 days in total
  • French

Presentation of the programme

The executive certificates are designed for professionals interested in acquiring in-depth knowledge of the luxury sector and aim to boost your career in the luxury industry.

Strengths of the programme

The executive certificates are intended for professionals interested in acquiring in-depth knowledge of the luxury sector and enabling them to continue their activity through a programme organised during the day or evening. There are three programmes that allow the following certifications to be obtained:

  • Certificate in luxury marketing
  • Digital and luxury communication certificate
  • Certificate in luxury business


  • Become an expert in digital (web, social networks, mobile) and luxury communication
  • Mastering the fundamentals and culture of digital
  • Develop marketing and digital communication actions specific to luxury
  • Create a digital and communication strategy, master the performance indicators. Know the networks and optimise their use

  • From luxury to luxury tech and the exponential importance of digital
  • Social networks, Social networks: real areas of expression for brands (IG, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, FB, Line, Wechat...) and communities of internet users
  • Influencers
  • NFT and brand strategies

  • Digital transformation consists of completely rethinking your communication strategy and putting it at the service of digital.
  • It is an in-depth reflection on the following themes: traffic, lead, customer, brand visibility, customer experience, social networks, YouTube video, emailing, inbound or outbound, defining the appropriate KPIs, mastering the digital culture, content marketing and inbound marketing.
  • Know how to create a web marketing campaign, e-commerce, blog, mobile application, AI, gain visibility, increase the number of followers, choose relevant influencers and understand the NFT, the block chain and the metaverse.

The programme consists of academic lectures, case studies, quizzes and an individual project. Particular attention is given to 360 degree thinking on the issues raised.

  • Format: 6 days in total with 3 days at 4 week intervals
  • Teaching period: autumn and spring of each year

This training is part of a block of competences RNCP level 7

Pursuing your studies

If you want to continue your studies after an Executive Certificate, it's possible! There are a number of establishments where you can specialise in a specific field (fashion, tourism, hospitality, gastronomy, jewellery, cosmetics, etc.) or acquire more general, cross-disciplinary skills (finance, management, digital, CSR, law, etc.). Subject to the necessary pre-requisites, you may also decide to take a doctorate, an Executive MBA or a Master of Science to complete your course. To find out about all the options available to you after your degree, click here (in French).

If you have enjoyed the Sup de Luxe experience, you could, for example, join the Online MBA - Luxury Management in the Digital Age, enabling you to continue to combine your professional life with deepening your knowledge of the luxury business. Our advisers will be happy to guide and advise you.

Request information
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